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Hey, friends!

Welcome to lead555.

If you’re a Christian leader, you’ve likely had days where you’ve given all you have, and it doesn’t seem like enough.

Maybe you’ve felt like the structure you’re working in, is working against you. Don’t worry, we are right there with you! We believe it’s time for a radical rethinking, for reckless faith, and a revolution in how we work.

We know that there are so many of you out there with potential. We believe you can be change agents in our world.

The change we make needs to go deep to the level. There are systems in our world today that are rotting, and we need paradigm shifts in our thinking in order to address them.

If we are to see breakthrough, we have to address them in community with others. This is not a solo mission.

In many parts of our world, we see the church in decline. We see leaders who are discouraged, discontent, and just empty. We believe this is because we are operating in a system that needs to change.

Lead555 specializes in getting to the root of the problem, and taking you through mind-shifts that will help you create real change in your world. If this is what you want, stick around!

This may sound difficult, but that’s why we’re here. We want YOU to thrive in whatever leadership role God has placed you in. Let’s work for God’s Kingdom together—the way it was meant to be.

Where it all began...

L5 began in 2011 as a pilot project to provide leadership training to change-makers in Uganda. We promoted servant-leadership. This was in stark contrast to the autocratic tendencies that are common in that part of the world. This new model was welcomed by both university students and experienced national leaders alike. In 2016, L5 transitioned from a promising pilot—that continues on to serve in Uganda—to a global movement that supports emerging catalytic leaders. 

If you’re wondering where our name comes from, we started out as Leadership555, then we simplified it to Lead555, and now you may see it written as L555, or even L5. The Leadership part of our name is pretty self-explanatory. The 555 requires explanation. While the number itself isn’t important, the three levels are. These numbers break down to 5+50+500=555. If 5 people develop 50, who then develop 500, we can create real change. In order to create systemic change, we need critical mass. The 555 in our name represents that!

Mark Orr, our founder and president, tells a story about a 10-ton truck stuck deep in the mud. Of course, if you have a stuck truck, you try to get it unstuck. We do the same thing as leaders! Eventually, however, we give up! Getting unstuck (creating real change), is too big of a task for one person! This leaves the world with big systemic problems. If we are going to change this, we’d better get to work. 

Our Faith

Our common faith brings us together, as we celebrate diversity among all who authentically follow Jesus our Lord.

  • One God. We affirm our belief in the one eternal God, Creator and Lord of the world, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who governs all things according to the purpose of his will.
  • The Bible is God’s Word. We affirm the divine inspiration, truthfulness, and authority of both Old and New Testament scriptures in their entirety as the word of God.
  • Jesus saves. We affirm that there is only one Savior and only one gospel, although there is a wide diversity of evangelistic approaches.
  • The global church. We affirm that Christ sends his redeemed people into the world as the Father sent him, and that this calls for a similar deep and purposeful presence of the Church in the world.
  • Called to serve. We share God’s concern for justice and reconciliation throughout human society and for the liberation of men and women from every kind of oppression.

Adapted without significant alteration from the Lausanne Covenant.

OUr Team

We value diversity. Our leaders come from a diverse selection of occupational backgrounds, countries, and ages. We all are committed to following Jesus and mirroring His light in the world.

Founder & President

Mark was raised as a missionary kid in Brazil. He has committed his life to helping emerging leaders be more effective, and ultimately the Church more able to carry out her Mission in the world. He has previously served in global refugee mission work. Mark and his family are Canadians, but have lived in the UK, Greece, and Uganda over the last 10 years.

Creative Director

Anna is a Creative Director currently working in North Carolina and around the world. Her areas of focus include graphic design and videography. She specializes in working with small businesses, non-profits, and churches. She enjoys being creative in every aspect of her life and is a lover of learning.

Director of LeadingNext

Taylore is a Newfoundlander (Eastern Canada) who comes to L5 with a variety of ministry experience. Some of this experience includes church planting, volunteering with The Stoplight Approach in Uganda, and working as a Lead Pastor. In 2023, Taylore completed her MA in Theology focusing on Leadership and Spiritual Formation and is passionate about helping the global church move into all that God has for her. She is currently pastoring in the Maritimes.

Director of Pastoral Care

David Stoesz has had a diverse career as a chaplain, missionary, counselor and manager of a drug and alcohol rehab. Recently, he was certified as a spiritual Director, and takes these skills to the leaders of leadership 555. David oversees the spiritual life of these leaders and strongly believes in the inherent potential of each leader. He seeks to encourage, equip and empower every leader to their God-given potential.

Greenhouse Coordinator

Carl has lived and worked in various rural and urban locations across Central and Southeast Asia. What was meant to be a one-year stint with Operation Mobilization became thirty. Out of this lived experience comes his passion for the world and his inexhaustible commitment to invest in emerging young leaders and catalysts who will lead change, leverage influence, and be part of what God is doing.